Review: The Dog and Duck Pub — Austin, Texas

This is how bad I’ve been off my Geek Girl game lastly.  Back in September — yes, September! — the Roommate and I went to Austin for the free museum day.  We went to the Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas and spent several hours there wandering around.  We realized that we had a…

Reviews: Trailer Eateries here in San Marcos, Texas

I haven’t done a review in a while (not since 221 Baker St.), and I feel a little remiss in keeping up with that.  There are other restaurants I want to eventually get back to for review purposes, but I need to get these two little gems done so that people will understand the sheer…

Restaurant Review: 221 Baker St. Pub & Grill, Austin, Texas

With the various winter holidays, end of the fall semester of grad school, family time, and Christmas shopping pilfering the pocket book, my roommate and I hadn’t had much of a chance to go out hunting for new and exciting restaurants to try.  Last Monday, however, we had a full day to ourselves complete with…

Restaurant Review: Black’s Barbecue, Lockhart, Texas

Friday, September 23, 2011.  The Roommate and I went out to the cemetery near by to put autumn flowers (and an apple for Mabon) out at my brother Robert’s grave.   After we were done, we were pulling back out on to the highway and we both looked at the road sign that said Lockhart…

Eatery Review: The Gristmill in Gruene, Texas

Last September when my roommate bought her car, we started to explore the area where we live, which I think I mentioned before.  One of the places we discovered quite by accident was Gruene, Texas. Its the home of the oldest dance hall in Texas, which was actually where one of the scenes in the…