Bread is the life. Focaccia in honor of my friend’s fanfiction.

Sweet Loki, it’s been too long since I’ve posted anything, but between a bout of depression and then a temp job that lasted a month, I haven’t had the time or energy to really cook, much less post to my blog.  That will all hopefully change, however, as I’m feeling much better than i had…

Hey now. There’ll be naan o’that. Naan bread on a griddle.

Bread is life, so they say.  When we want to communicate with others and have long meaningful conversations, we call it “breaking bread” with someone.  Bread, for many of us, is a staple we would rather never do without.  It makes us feel whole; it makes us feel at peace, at home; that all is…

Avengers’ Special: Chicken Shawama and Pita Bread

Well, it’s certainly been a long time since I’ve posted anything here.  I didn’t realize just how long!  GAH!  Bad Geek Girl.  But grad school this semester still kept me busy, and even though I cooked, I didn’t cook near enough to really get photos or anything.  Well, hopefully that will change! So, I’ve seen…

Restaurant Review: Black’s Barbecue, Lockhart, Texas

Friday, September 23, 2011.  The Roommate and I went out to the cemetery near by to put autumn flowers (and an apple for Mabon) out at my brother Robert’s grave.   After we were done, we were pulling back out on to the highway and we both looked at the road sign that said Lockhart…

All spiky and French: Chicken Friand

Back in May of 2009, before my life went to Hell in a handbasket emotionally, I made a trip to Taylor, Texas, with my sister and now-Ex to see my Aunt Norma Jo’s house and visit with family.  Because we were close, we spent Saturday morning and afternoon with my then-MIL in Round Rock, mostly…